The Italian Society for Applied Shellfish Research (SIRAM) promotes research studies for the sustainable development of shellfish farming, tackling issues faced by the sector and sharing knowledge and insights to its stakeholders. As such, it fosters dialogue among scientists, industry and regulators to align on a common view of the shellfish sector and its challenges.
Areas of interest
- Quality and safety of shellfish productions
- Physiology, pathology and genetics of shellfish
- Environmental interactions and ecosystem services
- Farming and technological innovation
- Application of the legislation and recommendations
- Research dissemination
- Knowledge and best practice exchanges
- Profession trainings
- Annual national conference
- Networking

SIRAM was established in Rovigo (Italy) in 2011 with the aim of bringing together all those interested in the protection and enhancement of shellfish farming and related products.
Its members represent academic and research organizations, producers and competent authorities in the sector.
Founding members
- Producers associations
- Scientific institutions
Giuseppe Prioli (AMA)
Tommaso Petochi (ISPRA)
Laura Bille (IZSVe)
Francesca Barchiesi (IZSUM)
Fabio Borghesan (biologist consultant)
Piergiorgio Fumelli (AULSS5 Polesana)
Pietro Giorgio Tiscar (UniTE)
Paola Venier (UniPD)
Aurelio Zentilin (shellfish farmer)
Board of Auditors
Paola Bordin (IZSVe)
Cesare Ciccarelli (ASUR Marche)
Domenico Meloni (UniSS)
Alternate Auditors
Andrea Fabris (API)
Emilio Tibaldi (UniUD)
Probi viri
Manuela Dalla Pozza (IZSVe)
Alessia Vetri (IZSVe)
SIRAM – Società Italiana di Ricerca Applicata alla Molluschicoltura
Via Leonardo da Vinci n.39, Adria (RO) – Italy
Tax code: 90015760292
Phone: +39 049 8084257 | +39 049 8084332